Introducing Windows
- What is Windows?
- Starting windows
- The Windows Screen
- Using the Mouse
Using the Start Menu
- Using Programs
- Finding Files and Folders
- Using Help
- Shutting Down the Computer
- Restarting the Computer
Exploring a Window
Simple Editing
- Using WordPad
- File Operations
Changing Settings
- Settings
- The Taskbar
- Switching Between Applications
- The Control Panel
- Viewing the System Specifications
- Changing the Mouse Options
Printer Settings Using the Desktop
- The Desktop
- Objects and properties
- Properties of the Desktop
Managing Files and Folders
- Using windows explorer
- Viewing Folders and Files
- Creating Folders
- Selecting Files
- Manipulating Files and Folders
- Formatting a Floppy Disk
- Customising Explorer
- Using My Computer
- The Recycle Bin